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Support Us ~ Donations 

How you can help.... You can contribute to the Oblate Mission Development Office in any of the following ways:

Donate securely online using Paypal

Donate with PayPal

Fill out a Standing Order

Join our regular supporters by filling out one of the standing order forms below:
Click here to fill out an Standing Order in Word or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.



Send a cheque to:

The Oblate Mission Development Office
Tyrconnell Road,
Dublin 8, Ireland.

(Cheque should be made payable to: The Oblate Mission Development Office)



Make a direct lodgement to

Bank of Ireland
Tyrconnell Road,
Dublin 8

Sort code: 90-01-64
Account: 62824419




The Oblate Mission Development Office has been granted tax exemption by the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland and has a charitable tax exemption number: CHY15772.

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